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Legal Studies

CUET Exam 2025 Legal Studies Syllabus

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Complete Syllabus

There are 8 different chapters that cover the syllabus for Legal studies. Chapters like Judiciary, Arbitration, Tribunal Adjunction, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Human Rights in India, Legal Professional in India, and Legal Maxims are all included and interconnected to one another. All the chapters are important and have to be prepared thoroughly.

The detailed Legal Studies syllabus is given in the table below:






  1. Structure and Hierarchy of Courts and Legal Offices in India.
  2. Constitution, Roles, and Impartiality.
  3. Appointments, Training, Retirement, and Removal of judges.
  4. Courts and Judicial Review.


Topics of Law

  1. Law of Property.
  2. Law of Contracts.
  3. Law of Torts.
  4. Introduction to Criminal Laws in India.


Arbitration, Tribunal
Adjunction, and Alternative Dispute Resolution

  1. Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems.
  2. Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution.
  3. Types of ADR.
  4. Arbitration, Administrative, and Tribunals.
  5. Mediation and Conciliation.
  6. Lok Adalats.
  7. Ombudsman.
  8. Lokpal and Lokayukta.


Human Rights in India


  1. Introduction – International Context.
  2. Constitutional framework and Related laws in India.
  3. Complaint Mechanisms of Quasi-judicial Bodies.


Legal Profession in

  1. Introduction.
  2. The Advocates Act, 1961, The Bar Council of India, Lawyers and Professional Ethics, Advertising by Lawyers, Opportunities for Law graduates, Legal Education in India, Liberalization of the Legal Profession, Women and the Legal Profession in India.


Legal Services

  1. Legal background – Free Legal Aid under Criminal law, Legal Aid by the State, Legal Aid under the Indian Constitution, NALSA Regulations, 2010.
  2. Criteria for giving free Legal Services.
  3. Lok Adalats.
  4. Legal Aid in Context of Social Justice and Human Rights.


International Context

  1. Introduction to International Law.
  2. Sources of International Law – Treaties, Customs, and ICJ Decisions.
  3. International Institutions, International Human Rights.
  4. Customary International Law.
  5. International law & Municipal Law.
  6. International Law & India.
  7. Dispute Resolution – ICJ, ICC, and Other Dispute Resolution Mechanisms.


Legal Maxims

Important Legal Maxims.
Meaning with illustrations of the following:
- Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
- Ad valorem
- Amicus Curiae
- Audi alterem partum
- Assentio Mentium
- Bona fide
- Bona Vacantia
- Caveat Emptor
- Corpus Delicto
- Damnum Sine Injuria
- De Die in Diem
- De Minimis Lex Non Curat
- Doli Incapax
- Ejusdem Generis
- Ex Post Facto
- Ignorantia Facti Excusat – Ignorantia Juris Non-Excusat
- Injuria Sine Damnum
- Locus Standi
- Nemo Debet Esse Judex in Propria Sua Causa
- Nemo debt non quad habit
- Noscitur a Sociis
- Obiter Dicta
- Pari Materia
- Per Incuriam
- Qui Facit Per Alium, Facit Per Se
- Quid pro quo
- Ratio Decidendi
- Res ipsa loquitur
- Res Judicata Accipitur Pro Veritate
- Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex
- Stare Decisis
- Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium