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Home Science

CUET Exam 2025 Home Science Syllabus

Syllabus  ♦   Mock Papers

Complete Syllabus

Home Science as a subject involves learnings that are very basic and fundamental, but crucial for human life and its development. To secure a seat in the top-rank universities, it is necessary to get good marks in the CUET exam. Which can only be achieved through thorough preparation. Going through the syllabus, grasping it, and devising a proper strategy is very important for this. The Home Science syllabus for CUET is covered by six main Units,

  • Nutrition, Food Science and Technology
  • Human Development: Lifespan Approach
  •  Human Development: Lifespan Approach
  • Resource Management
  • Communication and Extension
  • Career Options after Home Science Education

All the units have sections and subsections, all of them are equally important and interconnected. Every topic should be given equal importance and grasped thoroughly. A detailed syllabus is discussed below:




Unit I: Science and Technology

1. Clinical nutrition and Dietetics

a) Significance

b) Diet Therapy objectives.

c) Role of nutritionist

d) Types of diets

e) scope and career

2. Public Nutrition and Health 

a) Concept of Public Health and nutrition.

b) Nutritional Problems in India.

c) Strategies to tackle nutritional problems.

d) Scope and career

3. Catering and food services management 

a) Types of food service system

b) Management in Food Services.

c) scope and career

4. Food Processing and technology

a) Basic concepts - food science, food Processing food technology, food Manufacturing

b) Development of food processing and technology and its importance

c) Classification of processed food.

d) Scope and career.

5. Food Quality and safety 

a) Basic Concepts - food safety, food contamination food adulteration

b) Food Standards Regulation - India (FSSAI, Agmark) and International (CAC, WTO, ISO)

c) Food safety management systems

d) Scope and career.

Unit II: Human Development: Lifespan Approach

1. Early childhood care and education.

a) NCF (Principles and objectives.

b) Concept of crèche, daycare centre and Montessori schools.

c) Viewpoint of Psychologist - Piaget and Vygotsky

d) Scope and career.

2. Special Education and support services

a) Disability

b) special Education methods

c) scope and career

3. Management of institutions and programmes for children, youth and elderly

a) Children: Vulnerable, programmes

b) Youth: Vulnerable, programmes

c) Elderly: Vulnerable, programmes

d) Scope and career

Unit III: Fabric and Apparel

1. Design for fabric and Apparel

a) Design Analysis - structure and Applied

b) Elements of design.

c) Principles of design.

d) Scope and career.

2. Fashion design and Merchandising

a) Fashion terminology - Fashion, style, Fad, classic.

b) Fashion Development - History and Evolution

c) Fashion Merchandising

d) Scope and career.

3. Production and quality control in the Garment Industry

a) Stages of apparel production

b) Quality Assurance in the Garment Industry

c) Scope and career.

4. Care and Maintenance of fabrics in Institutions

a) Laundry equipment - Washing drying and ironing

b) Institutional laundry

c) Scope and career.

Unit IV: Resource Management

1. Human Resource Management

a) Significance and functions of HRM

b) Scope and career.

2. Hospitality Management

a) Concept of different hospitality establishments

b) Guest Cycle

c) Departments in Hospitality organizations Front Office, Housekeeping, food and beverages

d) Scope and career.

3. Consumer Education and Protection

a) Consumer Problems.

b) Consumer Protection Act (2019) - consumer rights and responsibilities

c) Standard Marks - ISI, Agmark, FSSAI, Hallmark, silk Mark, Wool Mark, Eco mark

d) Voluntary consumer organizations

e) Scope and career.

Unit V: Communication and Extension

1. Development of communication and Journalism

a) Basic concepts- Development, Development Journalism, and Development communication.

b) Methods of communication

c) Scope and career.

2. Media Management, Design, and Production

a) Media planning

b) Media designing and production.

c) Media evaluation and feedback

d) Scope and career

Unit VI: Career Options after Home Science Education

Career options of self and wage employment in various fields of Home Science.