Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Choose the appropriate passive voice conversion for the given sentence:

We will execute all orders promptly.


All orders would executed promptly.

Promptly orders will be execute by us.

We will be execute all orders promptly.

All orders will be executed promptly.

Correct Answer:

All orders will be executed promptly.


The correct answer is Option (4) → All orders will be executed promptly.

The original sentence "We will execute all orders promptly." is in the active voice, where the subject "We" is performing the action of executing the orders.

To convert this sentence into the passive voice, we need to make the object of the active sentence (the orders) the subject of the passive sentence and use the appropriate form of the verb "to be" along with the past participle form of the main verb ("execute").

Here is the breakdown of the passive voice conversion:

"All orders": This becomes the subject of the passive sentence since it's the entity receiving the action.

"will be executed": This is the passive form of the verb "execute" in the future tense. It indicates that the action of executing the orders will be done to them.

"promptly": This adverb remains unchanged, indicating that the orders will be executed promptly, as in the original sentence.

Putting it all together, "All orders will be executed promptly." maintains the meaning of the original sentence while shifting the focus from the subject "We" to the object "all orders" and using the passive voice construction. This conversion is grammatically correct and effectively conveys the intended meaning.