Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Quantitative Reasoning


Data Interpretation & Stats


The table given below shows the number of male teacher and female teachers in 5 schools.

Schools Male teachers  female teachers
L 160 180
M 180 170
N 170 120
P 150 110
Q 130 130

Which of the following is correct ?

I. The number of male teachers in school L is 135.44 percent of the number of female teachers in school P.

II. The ratio of number

Which of the following statement is correct?

I. The number of male teachers in school L is 135.44 percent of the number of female teachers in school P.

II. The ratio of number of female teachers in M and N together to the number of male teachers in N and P together is 29:32.


Only II

Neither I nor II

Both I and II

Only I

Correct Answer:

Only II