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Target Exam





Organic: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids


Electrochemical cell consists of two metallic electrodes (anode and cathode) dipping in electrolytic solutions. At anode, oxidation takes place while at cathode, reduction takes place. These cells are of two types:

1) Galvanic cell in which chemical energy of a spontaneous reaction is converted into electrical energy. Eo(Cells) = EoCathode - Eoanode where Eocell is standard potential of the cells. ΔrGo = -nFEocell where ΔrGo is standard Gibbs energy change.

2) Electrolytic cells in which electrical energy is used to carry out non-spontaneous redox reactions. The amount of substance produced at a particular electrode depends upon quantity of electricity passed, Q = I x t (where I is current in ampere and t-time in seconds) one faraday in the quantity of electricity. It is the charge carried by 1 mole of electrons = 96500 C, If conductivity K of an electrolytic solution depends on concentration of electrolyte, nature of kohlrausch Law of independent migration of ions Λmo(NaCl) = λoNa+ + λoCl

where λom represent limiting molar conductivity. This can be used for calculation of molar conductivity for weak electrolytes.

Λom for NH4OH is equal to:


ΛoNH4OH + Λom NH4Cl - Λom HCl

ΛoNH4Cl + Λom NaOH - Λom NaCl

ΛoNH4Cl + Λom NaCl - Λom NaOH

ΛoNaOH + Λom NaCl - Λom NH4Cl

Correct Answer:

ΛoNH4Cl + Λom NaOH - Λom NaCl


Λom NH4OH = ΛoNH4Cl + Λom NaOH - Λom NaCl

ΛoNH4Cl = Λom NH4+Λom Cl

Λom NaOH = ΛoNa+ + Λom OH

Λom NaOH = ΛoNa+ + Λom Cl