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Blood clot is formed because of the presence of certain cells in the blood called:






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (3) -platelets

Blood clots are formed because of the presence of certain cells in the blood called: Platelets

Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, are small, colorless cell fragments found in the bloodstream. When blood vessels are injured, platelets play a crucial role in the process of hemostasis, which is the prevention of blood loss through the formation of blood clots.

When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets adhere to the site of injury and become activated, releasing various substances such as thromboxane and serotonin. These substances help to activate additional platelets and promote vasoconstriction, which narrows the blood vessel and reduces blood flow to the damaged area.

As platelets continue to aggregate at the site of injury, they form a temporary plug, known as a platelet plug or primary hemostatic plug, which helps to stop bleeding. Furthermore, platelets also interact with other components of the blood, such as fibrinogen, to form a mesh-like network of fibrin strands, which strengthens the platelet plug and forms a stable blood clot.

Chondrocytes are cells found in cartilage tissue, not involved in blood clotting.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells responsible for oxygen transport and are not directly involved in blood clot formation.

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response and are not directly involved in blood clotting.