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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Geographical Perspective on selected issues and Problems


Which one is the most appropriate reason for noise pollution in oceans?


The vast increase in global shipping trade and high speed vessels

The rise in sea level due to global warming

The increase in the number of people surfing on ocean waves

The earth movement under ocean water

Correct Answer:

The vast increase in global shipping trade and high speed vessels


The correct answer is Option (1) → The vast increase in global shipping trade and high speed vessels.

Shipping activities, including commercial shipping and high-speed vessels, contribute significantly to noise pollution in the oceans. The engines, propellers, and other machinery on these vessels generate considerable underwater noise, which can disturb marine life, interfere with communication between marine species, and have other adverse effects on ocean ecosystems. This has become a significant concern with the rapid increase in global shipping trade over recent decades.