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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Rise of Popular Movements


Identify the correct statement with reference to model of Planned Development adopted by the Indian Government in 1970s and 1980s.


Benefits of growth reached equally to all the sections of the society

Existing social inequalities were removed

Issues of poverty and gender discrimination were resolved

A sense of deprivation and injustice grew among different groups

Correct Answer:

A sense of deprivation and injustice grew among different groups


The correct answer is option (4) - A sense of deprivation and injustice grew among different groups

In the 1970s and 1980s, many sections of the society became disillusioned with the functioning of political parties. Failure of the Janata experiment and the resulting political instability were the immediate causes. But in the long run the disillusionment was also about economic policies of the state. The model of planned development that we adopted after Independence was based on twin goals of growth and distribution. In spite of the impressive growth in many sectors of economy in the first twenty years of independence, poverty and inequalities persisted on a large scale. Benefits of economic growth did not reach evenly to all sections of society. Existing social inequalities like caste and gender sharpened and complicated the issues of poverty in many ways. There also existed a gulf between the urban-industrial sector and the rural agrarian sector. A sense of injustice and deprivation grew among different groups. Many of the politically active groups lost faith in existing democratic institutions and electoral politics. They therefore chose to step outside of party politics and engage in mass mobilisation for registering their protests. Students and young political activists from various sections of the society were in the forefront in organising the marginalised sections such as Dalits and Adivasis. The middle class young activists launched service organisations and constructive programmes among rural poor. Because of the voluntary nature of their social work, many of these organisations came to be known as voluntary organisations or voluntary sector organisations.