Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Data Sufficiency


How is B related to A?
I. A is the son of C and C is the brother of B.
II. A is the father of D and D is the son of B.


If the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone.

If the question can be answered by using either of the statements alone.

If the question can be answered by using both statements together but cannot be answered by using either statement alone.

If the question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.

Correct Answer:

If the question can be answered by using either of the statements alone.


Option II is correct: 

If the question can be answered by using either of the statement alone.


From statement:

I. A is the son of C and C is the brother of B.

⇒ It is clear that B is the uncle/aunt of A.

II. A is the father of D and D is the son of B.

⇒ It is clear that B is the wife of A.


Therefore, we can find the answer using either of the statement. Therefore, Option II is correct.