Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Against whom was the Battle of Plassey (1751) fought by the English Company led by Robert Clive?


Nizam of Awadh

Siraj Ud Daulah

Murshid Quli Khan

Shaan Nawab

Correct Answer:

Siraj Ud Daulah


The correct answer is Option2- Siraj Ud Daulah

The English Company led by Robert Clive fought against Siraj Ud Daulah in the Battle of Plassey in 1757. Siraj Ud Daulah was the last independent Nawab of Bengal.

The other options are incorrect:

  • The Nizam of Awadh was a powerful ruler in North India, but he was not involved in the Battle of Plassey.
  • Murshid Quli Khan was the Nawab of Bengal from 1700 to 1727. He died long before the Battle of Plassey.
  • Shaan Nawab was a ruler of the Arcot kingdom in South India. He was also not involved in the Battle of Plassey.