Target Exam





Variations in Psychological Attributes


Sarah is a 25-year-old woman who is seeking career guidance and wants to understand her personality traits better. She has been feeling dissatisfied with her current job and wants to explore other career options that align with her interests and strengths. Sarah decided to undergo a formal assessment of her personality attributes to gain insights into her unique characteristics. The psychologist conducting the assessment uses a variety of methods, including interviews, psychological tests, and a case study approach.

Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of psychological assessment in Sarah's case?


To measure Sarah's reaction time to stimuli.

To predict Sarah's future career success based on her intelligence.

To understand and evaluate Sarah's personality attributes.

To assess Sarah's cognitive abilities for academic performance.

Correct Answer:

To predict Sarah's future career success based on her intelligence.


The purpose of the psychological assessment in Sarah's case is to gain insights into her personality attributes. The assessment aims to evaluate her unique characteristics and provide a better understanding of her personality, which can be helpful in career guidance and decision-making.