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Target Exam





Biodiversity and Conservation


Why is rich biodiversity considered essential for ecosystem health and the survival of the human race?


It enhances the aesthetic value of ecosystems.

It contributes to higher productivity in ecosystems.

It provides resistance to invasions by alien species.

It ensures resistance and resilience to disturbances in ecosystems.

Correct Answer:

It ensures resistance and resilience to disturbances in ecosystems.


d) It ensures resistance and resilience to disturbances in ecosystems.

Rich biodiversity is considered essential for ecosystem health and the survival of the human race because it provides both resistance and resilience to disturbances in ecosystems. Here's how:

  1. Resistance to Disturbances: Biodiversity helps ecosystems resist disturbances, such as natural disasters (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes) and human-induced changes (e.g., deforestation, pollution). In diverse ecosystems, there are a variety of species with different ecological roles and functions. If one species is affected by a disturbance, others may be able to step in and maintain essential ecosystem processes, preventing a complete collapse.
  2. Resilience to Disturbances: Biodiversity also enhances the resilience of ecosystems, allowing them to recover and adapt after disturbances. When an ecosystem faces a disturbance, having multiple species with different traits and abilities increases the likelihood that some species can recover and recolonize the area, restoring the ecosystem to a more stable state.
  3. Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity provides numerous ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being, such as pollination of crops by insects, purification of water by wetlands, and regulation of climate by forests. Without a diverse range of species performing these crucial functions, ecosystems would be less able to support human societies and their needs.
  4. Genetic Diversity: Biodiversity also includes genetic diversity within species. Having diverse genetic pools within populations enables species to adapt to changing environmental conditions, making them more resilient in the face of environmental challenges and climate change.
  5. Food Security: Biodiversity is critical for food security, as it provides a variety of food sources and genetic resources for breeding crops and livestock. Loss of biodiversity can reduce the availability of diverse and nutritious food options for humans.

In summary, rich biodiversity contributes to the health and stability of ecosystems, providing numerous benefits to both the natural world and human societies. It ensures that ecosystems can withstand and recover from disturbances, maintain essential ecological processes, and support the well-being and survival of the human race. Therefore, conservation efforts to protect and restore biodiversity are of utmost importance for a sustainable future.