Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


Sanju after completed his entrepreneurship course in Switzerland, returned to India and launched 'Aroma Coffee Can,' a coffee shop situated in a New Delhi mall. The establishment prided itself on a distinct coffee aroma and an extensive array of flavors. Despite these features, the business failed to gain attraction and remained unprofitable. Eager to uncover the reasons behind this, Sanju appointed Sanchi an MBA graduate, as the Manager to investigate. Sanchi, in her role, gathered feedback from customers who expressed appreciation for the unique coffee aroma but were dissatisfied with the extended waiting times for order processing. Upon analysis, she identified unnecessary bottlenecks that could be eliminated to streamline operations. Sanchi implemented a standardized order processing time, addressing the issue. Additionally, she recognized that certain flavors had insufficient demand and decided to discontinue their sale. These strategic adjustments proved effective, swiftly attracting customers and transforming the fortunes of the coffee shop. She also advised Sanju to give equal treatment to his subordinates and distribute the work between them according to their capability.

Which statement shows the principle 'Stability of personnel'?


Distribute the work between them according to their capability

Give equal treatment to his subordinates

Gathered feedback from customers

None of these

Correct Answer:

None of these


Stability of personnel means the stability of tenure of employees in the company. There is no use of this principle in the above case.