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Target Exam





Human Reproduction


Where does fertilization takes place in human ?


In Ovary.

In Uterus.

In fallopian tube.

In cervix.

Correct Answer:

In fallopian tube.


The correct answer is option (3)- Fallopian tubes

Fertilization in humans typically occurs in the fallopian tubes, also known as the uterine tubes. After ovulation, when an egg (ovum) is released from the ovary, it travels through the fallopian tube. If intercourse has taken place around the time of ovulation and sperm are present in the female reproductive tract, fertilization often occurs in the fallopian tube when a sperm successfully penetrates and fuses with the egg.

Once fertilization occurs, forming a zygote (fertilized egg), the zygote begins to undergo cell divisions as it moves toward the uterus, where it eventually implants into the uterine lining and continues its development.

Therefore, among the options provided, fertilization in humans primarily occurs in the fallopian tube.