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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


‘Swasthya Sathi’ scheme is the health insurance scheme that covers the entire population of which of the following states?


West Bengal




Correct Answer:

West Bengal


The correct answer is Option (1) - West Bengal

The "Swasthya Sathi" scheme is a health insurance initiative launched by the government of West Bengal, India. It aims to provide health insurance coverage to the entire population of the state. The scheme is designed to ensure that all residents of West Bengal have access to quality healthcare services without financial burden in case of medical emergencies or hospitalization.

Under the Swasthya Sathi scheme, beneficiaries are entitled to cashless treatment for a wide range of medical services at empaneled hospitals and healthcare facilities across the state. This includes hospitalization expenses, surgeries, diagnostic tests, medications, and other medical procedures. The scheme also covers pre-existing illnesses and provides financial protection against catastrophic health expenses.

The Swasthya Sathi scheme is implemented through a combination of public and private sector participation. Empaneled hospitals and healthcare providers are required to adhere to specified quality standards and pricing guidelines set by the government to ensure the delivery of affordable and accessible healthcare services to beneficiaries.

The scheme aims to improve health outcomes, reduce out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, and enhance financial protection for families, particularly those from economically vulnerable backgrounds. By providing comprehensive health insurance coverage to the entire population, Swasthya Sathi contributes to the broader goal of achieving universal health coverage and ensuring health equity in the state of West Bengal.

Overall, the Swasthya Sathi scheme plays a crucial role in promoting health and well-being, reducing health inequalities, and safeguarding the health and financial security of the people of West Bengal.