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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following sultans of the Delhi Sultanate appointed Ghiyasuddin Balban as his/her Prime Minister?



Muizuddin Bahram

Nasiruddin Mahmud

Shamsuddin Iltutmish

Correct Answer:

Nasiruddin Mahmud


The correct answer is Option 3- Nasiruddin Mahmud

Ghiyasuddin Balban was appointed as Prime Minister by the Delhi Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud.

Balban was a Turkic military commander who rose to power during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud. He was appointed as Amir-i-Shikar (Lord of the Hunt) in 1242, and he was promoted to Naib-i-Mamlikat (Deputy Sultan) in 1250. Balban was responsible for suppressing a number of revolts during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud, and he also played a key role in defeating the Mongols in the Battle of Delhi in 1258.

After the death of Nasiruddin Mahmud in 1266, Balban became the de facto ruler of the Delhi Sultanate. He was crowned Sultan in 1287, and he ruled until his death in 1289.

Balban was a strong and ruthless ruler. He is known for his reforms of the army and the civil administration. He also established a number of new institutions, such as the Diwan-i-Arz (the Ministry of War) and the Diwan-i-Insha (the Ministry of Correspondence).