Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Services


Which of the following is a business service?


Social service

Personal Service

Communication service

All of these

Correct Answer:

Communication service


The correct answer is option 3- Communication service.

Business Services- Business services are those services which are used by business enterprises for the conduct of their activities. For example, banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing and communication services. Business enterprises look towards banks for availability of funds; insurance companies for getting their plant, machinery, goods, etc., insured; transport companies for transporting raw material; and finished goods, and telecom and postal services for being in touch with their vendors, suppliers and customers. Today’s globalised world has ushered in a rapid change in the service industry in India. India has been gaining a highly competitive edge over other countries when it comes to providing services to the developed economies of the world. Many foreign companies are looking to India for performing a host of business services. They are even transferring a part of their business operations to be performed in India


  • Personal services are those services which are experienced differently by different customers. These services cannot be consistent in nature. They will differ depending upon the service provider. They will also depend upon customer’s preferences and demands. For example, tourism, recreational services, restaurants.
  • Social Services- Social services are those services that are generally provided voluntarily in pursuit of certain social goals. These social goals may be to improve the standard of living for weaker sections of society, to provide educational services to their children, or to provide health care and hygienic conditions in slum areas.