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'Ashtadhyayi', written by Sanskrit scholar Panini, is a book on _______.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 4- grammar

The Ashtadhyayi, written by Sanskrit scholar Panini, is a book on grammar.

The Ashtadhyayi is one of the most important works in the field of Sanskrit grammar. It is a comprehensive and systematic treatise on the Sanskrit language, covering all aspects of grammar from phonology to morphology to syntax. The Ashtadhyayi is still used by scholars today to study and understand the Sanskrit language.

Panini wrote the Ashtadhyayi in the 5th century BCE. He was a brilliant linguist and mathematician, and his work is a masterpiece of logical and concise writing. The Ashtadhyayi is divided into eight chapters (adhyayas), each of which is further divided into four sections (padas). The text is written in a highly technical language, but it is also very precise and unambiguous.

The Ashtadhyayi has had a profound influence on the development of linguistics and grammar. It is one of the earliest examples of a formal grammar, and it has been used as a model for grammarians of other languages. The Ashtadhyayi is also a valuable source of information about the Sanskrit language and culture.

The Ashtadhyayi is a truly remarkable work of scholarship. It is a testament to Panini's genius and to the richness and complexity of the Sanskrit language.