Practicing Success

Target Exam







From the given options, select the one that carries the same relations as:



Barren : Fertile

Timid : Coward

Ridiculous : Funny

Jealous : Envious

Correct Answer:

Barren : Fertile


The correct answer is OPTION 1 - Barren : Fertile

The best fit for the relation between "Attach" and "Detach" is: Barren : Fertile

  • Attach and Detach are opposites. Attaching means to connect something, while detaching means to disconnect it.
  • Barren and Fertile are opposites. Barren land is unable to produce life (plants), while fertile land is capable of supporting growth.

Timid and Coward are similar but not exact opposites. A timid person might overcome their fear in some situations, while a coward is more likely to consistently avoid challenges.

Ridiculous and Funny are not opposites. They can be related, but something ridiculous can be so outlandish that it's not funny, and something funny might not be ridiculous.

Jealous and Envious are similar but have subtle differences. Jealousy is often about fearing someone taking something away from you (like a romantic partner), while envy is desiring something someone else has.