Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


What did the Shah Commission Report reveal about the administration and police during the Emergency?


They acted independently and without political influence.

They resisted political pressures effectively.

They became vulnerable to political pressures.

They were praised for their impartiality.

Correct Answer:

They became vulnerable to political pressures.


Answer: They became vulnerable to political pressures.
The Shah Commission Report revealed that the administration and police became vulnerable to political pressures during the Emergency.

However, the critical years of emergency brought many issues that have not been adequately grappled with. We have noted in this chapter that there is a tension between routine functioning of a democratic government and the continuous political protests by parties and groups. What is the correct balance between the two? Should the citizens have full freedom to engage in protest activity or should they have no such right at all? What are the limits to such a protest? Secondly, the actual implementation of the Emergency rule took place through the police and the administration. These institutions could not function independently. They were turned into political instruments of the ruling party and according to the Shah Commission Report, the administration and the police became vulnerable to political pressures. This problem did not vanish after the Emergency.