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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Pahari Schools of Painting


When did the style of the Seu family and others transform into the Kangra style?


Late eighteenth century

Early eighteenth century

Middle of the eighteenth century

Late seventeenth century

Correct Answer:

Middle of the eighteenth century


Answer: Middle of the eighteenth century
From the middle of the eighteenth century, the style of the Seu family and others transformed into the Kangra style.

Scholars agree that in the early eighteenth century, the style of the Seu family and others conformed to the Basohli idiom. However, from middle of the eighteenth century, the style transformed through a pre-Kangra phase, maturing into the Kangra style. This abrupt transformation in style and beginning of experimentation, which gave rise to varied stylistic idioms related to different Pahari centres, is largely ascribed to responses by various artist families and paintings (especially, the Mughal style) that were introduced in the Pahari kingdoms. This sudden arrival of paintings, which might have been introduced through rulers, artists, traders or any such agency or event, impacted local artists and profoundly influenced their painting language.