Practicing Success

Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Manufacturing Industries


Read the given passage carefully and answer the question :

The new Industrial Policy was announced in 1991. The major objectives of this policy were to build on the gains already made, correct the distortions or weaknesses that have crept in, maintain a sustained growth in productivity and gainful employment and attain international competitiveness.

Within this policy, measures initiated are: abolition of industrial licensing, free entry to foreign technology, foreign investment policy, access to capital market, open trade, abolition of phased manufacturing programme, and liberalised industrial location programme. The Policy has three main dimensions : liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation.

The threshold limits of assets have been scrapped and no industry requires prior approval for investing in the delicensed sector. They only need to submit a memorandum in the prescribed format. In the new industrial policy, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been seen as a supplement to the domestic investment for achieving a higher level of economic development.

Which one of the following is a threshold limit of assets for industrial investment under New Industrial Policy?


Rs. 50 crore

Rs. 100 crore

Rs. 500 crore

No limit

Correct Answer:

No limit


The threshold limits of assets have been scrapped and no industry requires prior approval for investing in the delicensed sector.