Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary Centres of power


Which of the following statement is not true in respect to China?


Unemployment has risen in China.

Female employment and conditions of work are as bad as in Europe of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Environmental degradation and corruption have decreased.

There is also a rise in economic inequality between rural and urban residents and coastal and inland provinces.

Correct Answer:

Environmental degradation and corruption have decreased.


The correct answer is Option 3 - Environmental degradation and corruption have decreased.

Option 1- Unemployment has risen in China.
Option 2- Female employment and conditions of work are as bad as in Europe of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Option 3- Environmental degradation and corruption have decreased. (Incorrect)
Option 4- There is also a rise in economic inequality between rural and urban residents and coastal and inland provinces.

Correction in Option 3- Environmental degradation and corruption have INCREASED.

While the Chinese economy has improved dramatically, not everyone in China has received the benefits of the reforms. Unemployment has risen in China with nearly 100 million people looking for jobs. Female employment and conditions of work are as bad as in Europe of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Environmental degradation and corruption have increased besides a rise in economic inequality between rural and urban residents and coastal and inland provinces. However, r egionally and globally, China has become an economic power to reckon with. The integration of China’s economy and the inter-dependencies that this has created has enabled China to have considerable influence with its trade partners. Hence, its outstanding issues with Japan, the US, ASEAN, and Russia have been tempered by economic considerations. It hopes to resolve its differences with Taiwan, which it regards as a renegade province, by integrating it closely into its economy. Fears of China’s rise have also been mitigated by its contributions to the stability of the ASEAN economies after the 1997 financial crisis.