Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Quantitative Reasoning


Data Interpretation & Stats


The table below gives the numbers of seats own in the local body elections in a state by different political parties in the years 2019 and 2014.

Name of the Party Result in 2019 Result in 2014
AGP 303 282
Con Party 52 43
CMK 23 0
AICT 22 34
Kanta Dal 16 2
Shiv Party 18 18

Find the ratio of the total number of seats won by Con party in 2014, Kanta Dal in 2019, and the Shiv Party in 2019 taken together to the number of seats won by AGP in 2014.


77 : 282

77 : 141

283 : 77

145 : 77

Correct Answer:

77 : 282


Total number of seats won by Con party in 2014, Kanta Dal in 2019, and the Shiv Party in 2019  :  Number of seats won by AGP in 2014

 ( 43 + 16 + 18 )  :     282

           77            :     282