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Target Exam





Psychological Disorders


Read the passage given below to answer.

A person's thinking or behaviour is classified as abnormal if it violates social norms. Norms are expected behaviour in a group. Every culture has certain standards for accepting behaviour as per socially acceptable norms. For example - child marriage was a norm about hundred years ago. Those who did not marry their girl child like everyone else were considered to be breaking the norm. The most obvious problem with defining abnormality using social norms is that there is no universal agreement over social norms. Another definition of abnormality states that a person is considered abnormal if he/she is unable to perform the behaviours necessary for day-to-day living eg. self care, holding a job, managing everyday tasks. We must understand that mental health issues are prevalent in all cultures as there is ignorance and fear about psychological disorders. It is believed that these.

The best criterion for determining the normality of behaviour is that it :


follows the norms of a society

fosters overall wellbeing

is not distressing

is not dangerous

Correct Answer:

fosters overall wellbeing


The best criterion for determining the normality of behavior is Option 2: fosters overall wellbeing.

While all of the options have some merit, fostering overall wellbeing is the most comprehensive and inclusive definition of normality. It encompasses not only the absence of distress and danger but also the presence of positive mental health indicators such as happiness, fulfillment, and resilience.

Option 1, "follows the norms of a society," is problematic because social norms are constantly evolving and can vary from culture to culture. Additionally, some social norms may be harmful or even unethical.

Option 3, "is not distressing," is too narrow a definition of normality. Many people experience distress for various reasons, including life stressors, physical health problems, and bereavement. While chronic distress may be a sign of a mental health condition, it does not necessarily mean that behavior is abnormal.

Option 4, "is not dangerous," is also too restrictive. Some behaviors, such as driving a car or engaging in extreme sports, may be considered dangerous but are not necessarily abnormal.