Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


According to the principle of ORDER, what is the outcome of having a fixed place for everything?


Decreased productivity

Increased hindrance

Chaos in business activities

Increased productivity and efficiency

Correct Answer:

Increased productivity and efficiency


The correct answer is option 4- Increased productivity and efficiency.

Having a fixed place for everything is associated with the principle of order. If there is a fixed place for everything and everything is present in its designated place, it eliminates hindrances in the activities of the business or factory. The outcome of this organized approach is increased productivity and efficiency. When resources, including people and materials, are systematically arranged and easily accessible, it leads to smoother operations, reduced disruptions, and a more efficient workflow. Therefore, the correct answer is that having a fixed place for everything contributes to increased productivity and efficiency in business or factory activities.