Read the passage and answer the following questions:- In terms of the nation-state's relationship with community identities. The Indian case fits neither the assimilationist nor the integrationist model described in Box 6.2 From its very beginning the independent Indian state has ruled out an assimilationist model. However, the demand for such a model has been expressed by some sections of the dominant Hindu community. Although 'nationalist' integration is a constant theme in sate policy, India has not been integrationist in the way that Box 6.2 describes. The constitution declares the state to be a secular state, but religion, language and other such factors are not to be a secular state, but religion, language and other such factors are not banished from the public sphere. In fact these communities have been explicitly recognised by the state. By international standards, very strong constitutional protection is offered to minority religions. In general India's problems have been more in the sphere of implementation and practice rather than laws or principles. But on the whole, India can be considered a good example of a state nation though it is not entirely free from the problems common to nation states |
Identify the specificity of India are secular state. |
Religion is banished from the public sphere constitutional protection to religion disregard towards religious differences to strengthen unity adopting the policy of one nation one religion |
constitutional protection to religion |
The correct answer is Option (2) → constitutional protection to religion |