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Target Exam





Organic: Chemistry in Everyday Life


What is the environmental problem associated with the use of detergents ?


Global Warming



Photochemical Smog

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 2. Eutrophication.

The environmental problem associated with the use of detergents is eutrophication. Eutrophication is a process in which a body of water becomes overly enriched with nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. Detergents, especially those containing phosphates, can contribute to eutrophication when they enter water bodies through sewage discharge or runoff from urban and agricultural areas. Phosphates from detergents act as nutrients for algae and other aquatic plants, promoting their rapid growth and proliferation. Excessive growth of algae, known as algal blooms, can lead to a series of ecological problems, including oxygen depletion in the water (due to microbial decomposition of dead algae), habitat degradation, and disruption of aquatic ecosystems. Eutrophication can have detrimental effects on water quality, aquatic biodiversity, fisheries, and recreational activities, and it can also contribute to the formation of dead zones in lakes and coastal areas where oxygen levels are too low to support marine life. To mitigate the environmental impact of detergents on eutrophication, many countries have implemented regulations to limit the use of phosphates in household and industrial detergents, as well as wastewater treatment measures to remove phosphates from sewage effluent before it is discharged into water bodies.