Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Quantitative Reasoning


Data Interpretation & Stats


The line chart given below shows the cost price and value of profit of 6 articles J, K, L, M, N and P.

Which of the following statement is correct?

I. The combined cost price of J and K is 100 percent more than the combined profit of L and M.

II. The ratio of combined profit of N and P to the combined cost price of K and M is 2 : 1.


Only I

Neither I nor II

Both I and II

Only II

Correct Answer:

Only I


I. The combined cost price of J and K is 100 percent more than the combined profit of L and M.

Cost price of J & K = 650 + 550 = 1200

Profit of L & M = 250 + 350 = 600

Required percentage =   \(\frac{1200 - 600}{600}\) × 100 = 100%

So , Statement I is correct.

II. The ratio of combined profit of N and P to the combined cost price of K and M is 2 : 1.

Profit of N & P    :    Cost price of K & M

  (200+300)       :      ( 550 + 450) 

       500             :         1000 

         1               :            2 

So , Statement II is not correct.

Ans : -   Only I