Avtar Ltd. invited application for 80,000 shares of Rs10 each payable Rs5/-. on Application, Rs 3/- on allotment and Rs 2/- on call. Public had applied for 2,50,000 shares out of which application for 30,000 shares were rejected and remaining were allotted on pro-rata basis. Excess application money was adjusted against allotment only. Determine the amount to be refunded at the time of allotment of shares. |
Rs 1,50,000 Rs 6,10,000 Rs 4,60,000 Rs 4,50,000 |
Rs 6,10,000 |
The correct answer is Option (2) → Rs 6,10,000 Shares issued = 80000 Money refunded on rejected shares = 30000 x 5 On 220000 pro-rata is made and 80000 shares are issued. Application money received on 220000 applications = 220000 x 5 Allotment money due = 80000 x 3 Money refunded on selected applications = 700000 - 240000 Total money refunded on allotment = 460000 + 150000 |