Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Poverty


Identify the programme that the  government has adopted to help the elderly people and poor and destitute women ?


Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Integrated Child Development Scheme

National Social Assistance Programme

Valmiki AMbedkar Awas Yojana

Correct Answer:

National Social Assistance Programme


The correct answer is option (3) : National Social Assistance Programme

The government also has a variety of other social security programmes to help a few specific groups. National Social Assistance Programme is one such programme initiated by the central government. Under this programme, elderly people who do not have anyone to take care of them are given pension to sustain themselves. Poor women who are destitute and widows are also covered under this scheme. 

Note: This Question is from Old NCERT Book i.e. before rationalisation.