Target Exam





Inorganic: P Block Elements


Question is based on following passage:

p-block elements are placed in groups 13 to 18 of the periodic table. Group 15 is nitrogen family. Nitrogen makes various compounds like \(NH_3\), \(HNO_3\), \(N_2O\), \(NO_2\) etc. Phosphorus exists in the form of white and red phosphorus. White phosphorus glows in dark. \(PH_3\), gas is used as smoke screen. Group 16 is called oxygen family. Dry air contains 21% \(O_2\) gas by volume. Combined sulphur exists as sulphates such as gypsum, epsome salt, baryte etc. The allotropic forms of sulphur are Rhombic and monoclinic sulphur. \(S_2\) is paramagnetic like \(O_2\) and it stable at high temperature. Group 17 is Halogen family. \(F_2\), is highly reactive, \(Cl_2\), is greenish yellow gas. Both \(SO_2\), and \(Cl_2\), are used for bleaching. Group 18 is Noble gas family but some noble gases also form compounds. Complete hydrolysis of \(XeF_6\) gives \(HF\) and \(XeO_3\), as main products.

The product of complete hydrolysis of \(XeF_6\) in the following reaction is:

\(XeF_6 + H_2O \longrightarrow\) ____ \(+ HF\)






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 3. \(XeO_3\).

When \(XeF_6\) (xenon hexafluoride) undergoes complete hydrolysis with water (\(H_2O\)), the reaction proceeds as follows:

\[ \mathrm{XeF_6 + 3H_2O \longrightarrow XeO_3 + 6HF} \]

The reaction involves the breaking of the Xe-F bonds in \(XeF_6\) and the formation of new bonds with oxygen atoms from water molecules. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

Hydrolysis of Xenon Hexafluoride (\(XeF_6\)):

\(XeF_6\) reacts with water (\(H_2O\)) to produce xenon trioxide (\(XeO_3\)) and hydrofluoric acid (\(HF\)).

The fluorine atoms (\(F\)) from \(XeF_6\) are replaced by oxygen atoms (\(O\)) from water molecules, resulting in the formation of xenon trioxide (\(XeO_3\)).

The xenon atom (\(Xe\)) bonds with three oxygen atoms (\(O\)) to form \(XeO_3\).

Formation of Hydrofluoric Acid (\(HF\)):

As a result of the hydrolysis, six hydrofluoric acid molecules (\(6HF\)) are produced.

Hydrofluoric acid is formed when the hydrogen atoms from water molecules combine with the fluorine atoms released from \(XeF_6\).

Each fluorine atom from \(XeF_6\) forms one molecule of hydrofluoric acid (\(HF\)) by bonding with one hydrogen atom (\(H\)).

Overall, the reaction results in the formation of xenon trioxide (\(XeO_3\)) and hydrofluoric acid (\(HF\)) as the products of the complete hydrolysis of \(XeF_6\).