Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following was the founder of the Banaras Gharana of style of khayal singing?


Ustad Inayat Khan

Pandit Gopal Mishra

Ustad Mamman Khan

Ustad Chajju Khan

Correct Answer:

Pandit Gopal Mishra


The correct answer is Option (2) - Pandit Gopal Mishra

The Banaras tabla gharana was developed a little over 200 years ago by Pandit Ram Sahai (1780-1826). At the age of nine, Ram moved to Lucknow to become a disciple of Modhu Khan of the Lucknow Gharana. Banaras Gharana is one of the six most common styles of playing the Indian tabla. Pandit Gopal Mishra (1921-1977) was one of the greatest sarangi players of the twentieth century.