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Target Exam





Variations in Psychological Attributes


Who among the following conceptualised intelligence as consisting of one similar set of abilities which can be used for solving any or every problem in an individual’s environment?


Charles Spearman

Gardner and Sternberg

Alfred Binet

J.P. Guilford

Correct Answer:

Alfred Binet


Alfred Binet was the first psychologist who tried to formalise the concept of intelligence in terms of mental operations. Prior to him, we find the notion of intelligence described in general ways in various philosophical treatises available in different cultural traditions. Binet’s theory of intelligence was rather simple as it arose from his interest in differentiating more intelligent from less intelligent individuals. He, therefore, conceptualised intelligence as consisting of one similar set of abilities which can be used for solving any or every problem in an individual’s environment. His theory of intelligence is called Uni or one factor theory of intelligence. This theory came to be disputed when psychologists started analysing data of individuals, which was collected using Binet’s test.