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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


What did the experience of 1977-79 teach about democratic politics?

1) Voters appreciate unstable governments.
2) Voters favour governments that are seen as quarrelsome.
3) Governments that are unstable and quarrelsome are rewarded by voters.
4) Governments seen as unstable and quarrelsome are severely punished by voters.

Choose the correct answer from the given options:






Correct Answer:



Answer: Governments seen as unstable and quarrelsome are severely punished by voters.

The opposition to Emergency could keep the Janata Party together only for a while. Its critics felt that the Janata Party lacked direction, leadership, and a common programme. The Janata Party government could not bring about a fundamental change in policies from those pursued by the Congress. The Janata Party split and the government which was led by Morarji Desai lost its majority in less than 18 months. Another government headed by Charan Singh was formed on the assurance of the support of the Congress party. But the Congress party later decided to withdraw its support with the result that the Charan Singh government could remain in power for just about four months. Fresh Lok Sabha elections were held in January 1980 in which the Janata Party suffered a comprehensive defeat, especially in north India where it had swept the polls in 1977. Congress party led by Indira Gandhi nearly repeated its great victory in 1971. It won 353 seats and came back to power. The experience of 1977–79 taught another lesson in democratic politics: governments that are seen to be unstable and quarrelsome are severely punished by the voters.