Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Which of the following is/are essential requirement(s) for producing fire?





All of these

Correct Answer:

All of these


The correct answer is option 4. All of these.

All of the above (fuel, air, and heat) are essential requirements for producing fire.

Here's a breakdown of why each element is crucial:

Fuel: This provides the combustible material that will burn and release energy. It can be anything from wood and paper to gasoline and natural gas.

Air: The oxygen in the air is necessary for combustion to occur. During combustion, oxygen reacts with the fuel to create heat and light.

Heat: This provides the initial activation energy needed for the chemical reaction between the fuel and oxygen to begin. Once the reaction starts, it releases its own heat, sustaining the fire.

The absence of any of these elements will prevent fire from starting or sustaining itself. For instance, if you remove the fuel source from a burning fire, it will eventually extinguish itself as there is no more material to burn. Similarly, if you suffocate a fire by cutting off its oxygen supply (e.g., by covering it with a fire extinguisher), it will also go out. And finally, without sufficient heat to initiate the combustion process, the fuel and oxygen won't react, and no fire will occur.