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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Rise of Popular Movements


Which of the following statements is incorrect in reference to the movements in India?


Movements are only about collective assertions or only about rallies and protests.

Movements are also about making people aware of their rights and the expectations that they can have from democratic institutions.

The movements involve a gradual process of coming together with people with similar problems, similar demands and similar expectations.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

Movements are only about collective assertions or only about rallies and protests.


The correct answer is Option 1 - Movements are only about collective assertions or only about rallies and protests.

Movements are not only about collective assertions or only about rallies and protests. They involve a gradual process of coming together people with similar problems, similar demands and similar expectations. But then movements are also about making people aware of their rights and the expectations that they can have from democratic institutions. Social movements in India have been involved in these educative tasks for a long time and have thus contributed to the expansion of democracy rather than causing disruptions. The struggle for the right to information is a case in point.