Practicing Success

Target Exam





Macro Economics: Government Budget and Economy


For Deficit Reduction. Arrange the following in the correct sequence.

A. Deficit Budget

B. Increase the taxes

C. Calculation of receipts and Expenditure - Financial year

D. Frame policy to Balance the Budget

E. Expenditure is more than Receipts

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


C, E, A, D, B

A, B, D, C, E

E, A, B, C, D

D, A, B, C, E

Correct Answer:

C, E, A, D, B


The correct answer is option (1) : C, E, A, D, B

Here's the breakdown of the logical sequence for deficit reduction:

Calculation of receipts and Expenditure - Financial year (C): This is the first step, where the government assesses its income (receipts) and spending (expenditure) for the upcoming financial year.

Expenditure is more than Receipts (E): If the calculated expenditure is greater than the receipts, it signifies a deficit budget.

Deficit Budget (A): This identifies the problem - a budget where spending exceeds income.

Frame policy to Balance the Budget (D): Once the deficit is identified, the government needs to create a plan to achieve a balanced budget (where expenditure equals or is less than income).

Increase the taxes (B): Depending on the policy, increasing taxes could be one of the strategies to generate more income and reduce the deficit.

This sequence follows a logical flow from identifying the problem (deficit) to creating a plan (policy) and potentially implementing a solution (increasing taxes) to achieve a balanced budget.