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General Test


General Knowledge


'India's Struggle for Independence' is one of the notable books written bu ______.


Sekhar Bandyopadhyay

R.K. Narayana 

R.C. Majumdar

Bipin Chandra

Correct Answer:

Bipin Chandra


The correct answer is Option (4) → Bipin Chandra

- "India's Struggle for Independence" is one of the notable books written by Bipan Chandra.

- Bipan Chandra was a prominent Indian historian and author known for his works on modern Indian history and the Indian independence movement.

- "India's Struggle for Independence" is considered one of his most influential and widely read books. The book provides a comprehensive and detailed account of India's struggle for freedom from British colonial rule, covering various aspects of the independence movement and the contributions of different leaders and movements that played a crucial role in shaping India's history.

- It is a seminal work on the subject and is often recommended for students, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of India's freedom struggle.