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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


To which neighbouring country was the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) sent in the year 1987?





Sri Lanka

Correct Answer:

Sri Lanka


The correct answer is Option (4) - Sri Lanka

The Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) was sent to Sri Lanka in 1987.

Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lanka was facing a civil war between the government, dominated by the Sinhalese majority, and Tamil separatist groups, primarily the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Indo-Sri Lankan Accord: To address the conflict, India and Sri Lanka signed the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord in 1987. This agreement aimed to end the civil war and establish peace in Sri Lanka.

IPKF's Role: As part of the accord, India agreed to send the IPKF to Sri Lanka as a peacekeeping force. Their objective was to disarm the Tamil militant groups, including the LTTE, and facilitate a peaceful resolution.

So, the historical context of the Sri Lankan Civil War and the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord led to the deployment of the IPKF specifically in Sri Lanka.