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Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


Students’ protests in Gujarat and Bihar, both of which were Congress-ruled States, had a far-reaching impact on the politics of the two States and national politics.  In January 1974 students in Gujarat started an agitation against rising prices of food grains, cooking oil, and other essential commodities, and against corruption in high places. The students’ protest was joined by major opposition parties and became widespread leading to the imposition of President’s rule in the state. Similarly, In March 1974 students came together in Bihar to protest against rising prices, food scarcity, unemployment, and corruption. After a point they invited Jayaprakash Narayan (JP), who had given up active politics and was involved in social work, to lead the student movement.

What factors led to the crisis of democratic order in Indian Politics in the 1970s?


The emergence of Indira Gandhi with a lot of popularity.

Party competitions had been created.

Relations between the government and judiciary had become tense

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


After the 1971 elections Indira Gandhi had emerged as a towering leader with tremendous popularity. This was also the period when party competition became bitter and polarised. This period also witnessed tensions in the relationship between the government and the judiciary. The Supreme Court found many initiatives of the government to be violative of the Constitution.