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Target Exam



Business Studies




The quality of production is not as per standard in a particular company. On investigation, the management observed that most of the workers were not fully aware of proper operation of the machinery. Which type of training is best suited in the above case?


Induction training

Vestibule training

Internship training

Apprenticeship training

Correct Answer:

Vestibule training


The correct answer is Option 2- Vestibule training.

Vestibule training is a type of training that involves simulating the actual work environment in a separate location, often on-site at the company but away from the actual production area. This allows employees to practice their skills and learn the proper operation of machinery without the pressure of working in a live production environment.

The other options are not as appropriate in this scenario:

* Induction training is typically used to introduce new employees to the company and its general policies and procedures. It is not specifically designed to address skill deficits or provide hands-on training with machinery.

* Internship training involves working in a real-world setting, often under the supervision of experienced professionals. While internships can provide valuable experience, they are not typically structured to address specific skill gaps in the way that vestibule training is.

* Apprenticeship training involves working under the supervision of a skilled worker while learning the trade through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience. Apprenticeships can be effective for developing long-term skills, but they are not typically used for short-term training needs, such as in this case where workers need to quickly become proficient in operating specific machinery.