Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Consumer Protection


As per Consumer Protection Act 2019, if the value of goods is 2 crores where can a consumer file a complaint ?


District Commission

State Commission

National Commission

Supreme Court

Correct Answer:

State Commission


The correct answer is option (2) : State Commission

District Commission:District commission has a jurisdiction to entertain complaints where value of goods or services paid as consideration does not exceed one crore rupees. Either on the first hearing or at any later stage, it appears to district commission that there exists elements of settlement which may be acceptable to the parties, it may direct them to give their consent for settlement of dispute through mediation within five days

State commission: It is established by the respective state government and ordinarily function at the state capital. State Commission has a jurisdiction to entertain complaints where value of goods and services paid as consideration exceeds one crore but does not exceed ten crore rupees. If any of the parties are not satisfied by the order of State Commission can appeal against such order to the National Commission within a period of thirty days of such order.

National Commission: The National Commission has territorial jurisdiction over the whole country. National Commission has a jurisdiction to entertain complaints where value of goods or services paid as consideration exceeds ten crores of rupees. If any of the parties are not satisfied by the order of National Commission can appeal against such order to the Supreme Court of India within a period of thirty days of such order