Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Financial Management


Working capital requirements are low when an organisation has which of the following?


high technology.

high debtors.

high inventory.

high creditors

Correct Answer:

high creditors


The correct answer is option 4: high creditors.

When an organization has high creditors, its working capital requirements tend to be low. This means that the organization has negotiated longer payment terms with its suppliers. As a result, it can delay paying its bills while still receiving goods and services. This effectively extends the organization's available cash cycle, reducing the immediate need for working capital.

Let's briefly consider the other options:

  1. High technology: While high technology may streamline operations and improve efficiency, it doesn't necessarily directly impact working capital requirements. Technology upgradation generally results in more fixed capital and not working capital.

  2. High debtors: High debtors mean that the organization has a large amount of outstanding accounts receivable. This ties up funds in unpaid invoices, potentially increasing the need for working capital to cover day-to-day expenses while waiting for customers to pay.

  3. High inventory: Having high levels of inventory can tie up funds and increase working capital requirements. It requires resources to purchase, store, and manage inventory, which can strain liquidity.