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Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Recent Developments in Indian Politics


The 'Indira Sawhney case', the common name given to the legal case concerning OBC reservations and the government's decision, got its name from which of the following source?


One of the petitioners who challenged the government's decision.

A famous legal scholar who supported OBC reservations.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who presided over the case.

The Chief Minister of Bihar at the time.

Correct Answer:

One of the petitioners who challenged the government's decision.


In August 1990, the National Front government made the crucial choice to put into effect one of the recommendations put forth by the Mandal Commission. This particular recommendation concerned the reservation of positions for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) within the central government and its affiliated entities. However, this decision triggered a series of fervent demonstrations and violent protests across numerous cities in northern India. Subsequently, the decision was legally contested and escalated to the Supreme Court, ultimately becoming known as the 'Indira Sawhney case,' named after one of the individuals who filed the petition. In November 1992, the Supreme Court issued a verdict that upheld the government's decision.

Throughout this process, there existed some variances in opinions among different political parties regarding the appropriate approach for implementing this decision. Nevertheless, it's noteworthy that the policy of providing reservations for OBCs has since gained endorsement from all the major political parties within the country.