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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: International Organisations


Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the questions accordingly.

What have been the reasons for the immense influence of the United States of America (USA) on the United Nations (UN)?


Economic superiority of the USA

The US has VETO power

Headquarters of the UN is in Washington, USA

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is Option 4 - All of the above

Option 1- Economic superiority of the USA
Option 2- The US has VETO power
Option 3- Headquarters of the UN is in Washington, USA
Option 4- All of the above


US power cannot be easily checked. First of all, with the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the US stands as the only superpower. Its military and economic power allows it to ignore the UN or any other international organisation.

Secondly, within the UN, the influence of the US is considerable. As the single largest contributor to the UN, the US has unmatched financial power. The fact that the UN is physically located within the US territory gives Washington additional sources of influence. The US also has many nationals in the UN bureaucracy. In addition, with its veto power, the US can stop any moves that it finds annoying or damaging to its interests or the interests of its friends and allies. The power of the US and its veto within the organisation also ensures that Washington has a considerable degree of say in the choice of the Secretary General of the UN. The US can and does use this power to “split” the rest of the world and to reduce opposition to its policies.

The UN is not therefore a great balance to the US. Nevertheless, in a unipolar world in which the US is dominant, the UN can and has served to bring the US and the rest of the world into discussions over various issues. US leaders, in spite of their frequent criticism of the UN, do see the organisation as serving a purpose in bringing together over 190 nations in dealing with conflict and social and economic development. As for the rest of the world, the UN provides an arena in which it is possible to modify US attitudes and policies. While the rest of the world is rarely united against Washington, and while it is virtually impossible to “balance” US power, the UN does provide a space within which arguments against specific US attitudes and policies are heard and compromises and concessions can be shaped.