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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


'Ashta Mahasthana' refers to the eight significant places associated with the life of the Buddha. Which among the following is NOT one of those?





Bodh Gaya

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 2- Raigad

Raigad is not one of the Ashta Mahasthana.

Ashta Mahasthana translates to "The Eight Great Places". These places are all significant landmarks in the life of Gautama Buddha.  They represent key events in his journey to enlightenment and the spread of Buddhism.

The eight sacred sites that constitute the Ashta Mahasthana are:

Lumbini: The birthplace of Gautama Buddha in present-day Nepal.
Bodh Gaya: The location where Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in present-day Bihar, India.
Sarnath: The place where Buddha delivered his first sermon after enlightenment, known as the "Dharmachakra Pravattana Sutra", in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India.
Kushinagar: The place where Buddha passed away (Parinirvana) in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India.
Rajgir: The site where Buddha spent a significant amount of time teaching and meditating, located in present-day Bihar, India.
Vaishali: A city where Buddha frequently visited and delivered teachings, situated in present-day Bihar, India.
Sankasya: The place where Buddha descended from heaven after preaching to his mother in Tavatimsa, located in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India.
Sravasti: A major center of Buddhist activity during Buddha's lifetime, where he spent many rainy seasons delivering teachings, situated in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India.