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Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


Which of the following is an example of Mutualism?


Orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch

Ticks on dogs

Lice on humans and ticks on dogs

Fig tree and wasp

Correct Answer:

Fig tree and wasp


The correct answer is Option (4) – Fig tree and wasp

Mutualism is the interaction that confers benefits on both the interacting species.

 Examples of Mutualism:

The most spectacular and evolutionarily fascinating examples of mutualism are found in plant-animal relationships. Plants need the help of animals for pollinating their flowers and dispersing their seeds. Animals obviously have to be paid ‘fees’ for the services that plants expect from them. Plants offer rewards or fees in the form of pollen and nectar for pollinators and juicy and nutritious fruits for seed dispersers.

Plant-animal interactions often involve co-evolution of the mutualists, that is, the evolutions of the flower and its pollinator species are tightly linked with one another. In many species of fig trees, there is a tight one-to-one relationship with the pollinator species of wasp. It means that a given fig species can be pollinated only by its ‘partner’ wasp species and no other species. The female wasp uses the fruit not only as an oviposition (egg-laying) site but uses the developing seeds within the fruit for nourishing its larvae. The wasp pollinates the fig inflorescence while searching for suitable egg-laying sites. In return for the favour of pollination the fig offers the wasp some of its developing seeds, as food for the developing wasp larvae.


Commensalism is the interaction in which one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited. An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch is an example of commensalism.

The lice on humans and ticks on dogs are  most familiar examples of parasitism.