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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Amar Sonar Bangla’, the national anthem of Bangladesh was composed by ______.


Rabindranath Tagore

Dwijendranath Tagore

Devendranath Tagore

Abanindranath Tagore

Correct Answer:

Rabindranath Tagore


The correct answer is Option (1) - Rabindranath Tagore

"Amar Sonar Bangla" is the national anthem of Bangladesh, with the lyrics and music composed by the renowned Bengali poet and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Originally written in Bengali, the anthem is a tribute to the natural beauty, cultural richness, and resilience of Bangladesh. The lyrics of "Amar Sonar Bangla" evoke a deep sense of patriotism and pride in the Bangladeshi identity, celebrating the country's picturesque landscapes, vibrant culture, and the spirit of its people. The anthem reflects the aspirations of the Bangladeshi people for freedom, unity, and progress.

Rabindranath Tagore, often referred to as the Bard of Bengal, composed "Amar Sonar Bangla" in 1905 during the period of British colonial rule in India. The anthem later gained prominence during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 when the country fought for independence from Pakistan. It was officially adopted as the national anthem of Bangladesh on January 13, 1972, following the country's independence. Overall, "Amar Sonar Bangla" is not only a musical masterpiece but also a symbol of national unity and pride for the people of Bangladesh, resonating deeply with their collective aspirations and struggles for freedom and sovereignty.