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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following was the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1947?


Osman Ali

Akbar Ali Khan

Mir Mahbub Ali Khan

Nasir Jung

Correct Answer:

Osman Ali


The correct answer is Option 1 - Osman Ali

Osman Ali was the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1947.

He was the seventh and last Nizam of Hyderabad, and he reigned from 1911 to 1948. He was a wealthy and powerful ruler, and he was known for his lavish lifestyle.

After India gained independence in 1947, the Nizam of Hyderabad initially refused to join the Indian Union. He wanted to remain independent, but the Indian government eventually forced him to join the Union in 1948.

The Nizam of Hyderabad was a controversial figure. He was accused of being a feudal ruler who was out of touch with the needs of his people. He was also accused of being a collaborator with the British.

Despite his flaws, the Nizam of Hyderabad was a significant figure in Indian history. He was the last of the great Indian princes, and he played a role in the transition from British rule to independence.